Teaching means ‘Sehen lernen durch Gestalten’ 1 showing the basic forms and structures used in art from the cave men to modern art, is published as well as ‘Bildende Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert' 1. Lecture and exhibition at the symposium by IPPNW '20 years Chernobyl' in Basel. Participation in the exhibition 'Érase una vez Chernóbil' at Centro Communal in Barcelona, topic: 20 years Chernobyl. Participation in the exhibition ‘Gregor Mendel,’ ‘Planting the Seeds of Genetics' beginning at the Field Museum in Chicago. Text in book ‚Die Augen meiner Augen sind geöffnet’ 'Erfahrungen der Dankbarkeit'. A hommage to David Steindl-Rast (Lindisfarne Fellow) Herder Verlag.
Starting the field study in Entlebuch, Canton Luzern in relation to the Swiss nuclear power plants Gösgen, Leibstadt, Beznau and Paul Scherrer Institute.